category: Schönbuch

90 entries, displaying 76 to 80

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midnight in the forest 2013-08-01

midnight in the forest

136 sek · f/4 · 12 mm · ISO 800 · EOS 350D
midnight in Schönbuch forest - view towards north, light pollution from Stuttgart and the airport

night sky over Schwäbische Alb

30 sek · f/4 · 12 mm · ISO 1600 · EOS 350D
Night sky with view of the Schwäbische Alb. Left: Walddorf, Metzingen behind, the lights of Reutlingen are to the right.

milky way at the edge of the forest

30 sek · f/4 · 12 mm · ISO 1600 · EOS 350D
Milky way at the edge of Schönbuch forest. The lights in the center behind the tree are from Tübingen.

published on 2013-08-03

categories: Schönbuch

keywords: night photograph | night | forest | sky | star

published on 2013-06-23


categories: Schönbuch

keywords: Birkensee | bog | forest | Lake

Infrared: Schaichtal 2013-06-06

view of a glade in Schaich valley (infrared)

view of a glade in Schaich valley

forest track (infrared)trunks mirroring in water (infrared)pond with water lily (infrared)Lily of the Valley leaves (infrared)

Lily of the Valley leaves

published on 2013-06-02

May lily (Convallaria majalis)

Season: Spring

categories: Schönbuch

keywords: may lily

forest walk 2013-05-09

Impressions from Schönbuch forest, a close walk from my home:

flowering apple trees and an old oak

flowering apple trees at the edge of the forest and details of an old oak tree ("Sulzeiche", top right and middle)

marsh marigold

meadow of marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) on a forest glade

marsh marigoldtoadstree trunk and forest glade

beech trunk with "eyes" and flowers on a glaze

tadpoles, newts and diving beetle

tadpoles, newts and a predaceous diving beetle in a pond

published on 2013-05-10

Season: Spring

marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)


categories: Schönbuch

keywords: forest | apple tree | marsh marigold | toad | tadpole

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