location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach
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19 entries, displaying 6 to 10
Flowering pear trees at the edge of the Schönbuch forest.
View of Achalm mountain.
Flowering cherry tree.
Church tower of Walddorf between flowering pear trees. Jusi mountain and Kohlberg (village) behind.
Flowering pear tree.
circumzenithal arc
published on 2014-04-20
Season: Spring
location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach > Walddorf
keywords: Streuobstwiese (orchard) | fruit tree | fruit tree blossom | circumzenithal arc | pear tree
published on 2014-03-21
location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach > Walddorf
keywords: fields
grain field with frost
Frost with backlight sparkles.
View over the fields of Walddorf, the fog in Neckar (river) valley and the hills of the Schwäbische Alb.
branches of an old Hibiscus shrub with frost
Sulzeiche, an old oak at the edge of Schönbuch forest
published on 2014-02-01
Season: Winter
location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach > Walddorf
[1:48 am] view of Walddorf with fog over the Neckar valley (30 sek · f/5 · ISO 1600)
[2:12 am] 24 minutes later... fog has arrived. After 6 more minutes I found myself also within fog.
(almost in the image center: Sirius, the brightest star of the night sky)
published on 2013-11-17
location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach > Walddorf
keywords: fog | night | night photograph | night sky | village
view of Häslach, behind it Dörnach
Walddorf and Hohenzollern castle at the horizon
view of Altenriet and Jusi mountain
published on 2013-09-20
location: Europe > Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Reutlingen District > Walddorfhäslach > Haeslach
keywords: view | Walddorf | Häslach | Schlaitdorf | Jusi